Cortona (Italy), May 18 - 24, 2008, Lorenzo, Filippo, Enzo e Stanislav
Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas
Virgilio, Georgiche, lI, 489
1. On the strong convergence of an iterative scheme related to subdifferentials, B.U.M.I.(6)-337-380 (1982).
2. Alcune osservazioni sul comportamento asintotico di una classe di equazioni di evoluzione del secondo ordine,
Quaderno Matematico n.45 (1982).
3. Asymptotic behaviour of some second order evolution equations,
Nonlinear Analysis T.M.A.(6), 1245-1252 (1982).
4. Some remarks on the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of second order evolution equations,
J. Math.Analysis & Appl.(107), 211-221 (1985).
5. Standing wave solutions for a system derived from the Fitzhugh-Nagumo equations for nerve conduction
(with Gene Klaasen), SIAM J. MATH. ANAL. (4),74-83 (1986).
6. Asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of second order difference equations associated to monotone operators
(with Gheorghe Morosanu), Numer. Functional Analysis \& Optimization, 8 (3\&4)-419-434 (1985/86).
7. A maximum principle for an elliptic system and application to semilinear problems
(with Djairo G. de Figueiredo ), SIAM J. MATH. ANAL. 17, 836-849 (1986).
8. Existence for nonlinear functional differential equations
(with Ioan Vrabie), Hiroshima Math.J.(17), 627-649 (1987).
9. Volterra integral equations associated with a class of nonlinear operators in Hilbert Spaces
(with Mario Tosques), Annales Fac. des Sciences de Toulouse -Ser.V-N.2, 23-40 (1987).
10. Positive solutions of some coercive anticoercive elliptic systems,(with Gianni Mancini)
Annales Fac. des Sciences de Toulouse - Vol VIII,N.3, 257-292 (1987).
11. Qualitative properties of solutions of Volterra equations in Banach Spaces
(with Philippe Clément, Israel J.Math.Vol 64-N.1,1-24 (1988).
12. Asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of a class of functional differential equations: Remarks on a related
Volterra equation, J. Math. Anal. Appl.(127), 423-434 (1987).
13. A class of strongly nonlinear functional differential equations (with Ioan Vrabie),
Ann. Matematica Pura e Applicata (IV)-Vol.CLI-125147 (1988).
14. Nonlinear integrodifferential equations in Hilbert spaces: The variational case,
(with Mario Tosques) - Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics, N.190, 306-319 (1989).
15. Nonlinear integrodifferential equations in a Banach space (with Ioan Vrabie),
Rend. Ist. Mat. Trieste-Vol XX-Fasc.II, 283-299 (1989).
16. Estimates from below for the solution to a class of second order evolution equations,
Diff. and Integral Equations, 3-N.6, 1101-1111 (1990).
17. Maximum principles for linear elliptic systems
(with Djairo G. de Figueiredo )- Rend. Ist. Mat. Trieste Vol. XXII- Fasc. E \& II, 36-66 (1990)).
18. Maximum principles for cooperative elliptic systems,
(with Djairo G. de Figueiredo )-C.R.Acad. Sci. Paris, t.310,Serie I, 49-52 (1990).
19. Differential inclusions governed by non convex perturbations of m-accretive operators
(with Ioan Vrabie), Diff. and Int. Eq.-Vol.2, N.4, 525-531 (1989).
20. On the definition of critical dimension, 1-12 (unpublished manuscript)(1993).
21. Maximum principles for a class of non-cooperative elliptic systems
(with Gabriella Caristi )-Delft Prog. Rep.,(14)-33-56 (1990).
22. Further results on maximum principles for non cooperative elliptic systems
(with Gabriella Caristi ) - Nonlinear Analysis T.M.A. (17)-N.6, 547-558 (1991).
23. Positive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems
(with Philippe Clément and Djairo G. de Figueiredo,
Commun. in Partial Differential Equations, (17) (5\&6), 923-940 (1992).
24. On positive supersolutions of superlinear elliptic problems
(with Philippe Clément ), Quaderno Matematico n. 286 (1992).
25. A Rellich type identity and applications, Commun. in Partial Differential Equations, (18) (1\&2),125-151 (1993).
(Enzo Mitidieri., A Rellich identity and applications,
Rapporti interni N. 25 (1990), Universita' di Udine, 1-35.)
26. Positive solutions for a quasilinear system via blow-up,
(with Philippe Clément and Raul Manasevich ),Comm. P.D.E, 18, 2071-2106 (1993).
27. Blow-up of positive solutions of a non-cooperative pararabolic system,
(with Gabriella Caristi ), Differential Integral Equations 6 (1993), no 1, 93--110.
28. Critical curve for a non variational system, notes 1993. unpublished manuscript
(new version in Singular eigenvalue problems and critical dimensions, (with Stanislav Ivanovich Pohozaev ).
29. Blow-up estimates of solutions of a parabolic system
(with Gabriella Caristi ) - Journal of Differential Equations,113, N.2, 265.-271 (1994).
30. Existence of a maximal solution for quasimonotone elliptic system,
(with Guido Sweers ), Differential \& Integral Equations, Vol.7, N. 3-6,(1994).
31. Non existence theorems for systems of quasilinear partial differential equation,
(with Rob van der Vorst \& Guido Sweers), Differential \& Integral Equations, Vol. 8, N. 6.1331-1354 ,(1995).
32. Nonexistence of positive solutions of systems of quasilinear differential inequalities,
(with Gabriella Caristi), Ann. Univ. Ferrara, - Sez. VII - Sc. Mat. Suppl. Vol. XLI (1995), pp. 151-165.
33. Weakly coupled elliptic systems and positivity, (with Guido Sweers),
Math. Nachr. 173 , 259-286 (1995).
34. Solutions homoclines d'un systeme Hamiltonien non-borne et superquadratique,
(with Philippe Clément , and Patricio Felmer ), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t.320, Serie I, (1995), 1481-1484 .
35. Blow-up estimates for a class of weakly coupled parabolic systems ,
(with Gabriella Caristi ), 1--10, (1995) .
36. Nonexistence of positive solutions of general class of quasilinear elliptic inequalities in unbounded domains,
(with Stanislav Ivanovich Pohozaev), 1--35, (1995). (unpublished manuscript).
37. Non existence of positive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems in $R^N$,
Differential \& Integral Equations, Vol. 9, N. 3, 465-479, (1996).
(Enzo Mitidieri, Non-existence of positive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems in R^n,
Quaderno Matematico, 285 (1992), Universita' degli Studi di Trieste).
38. Quasilinear elliptic equations with critical exponents,
(with Djairo de Figueiredo and Philippe Clément, ), Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 7, 1996, 133-170.
39. On a Modified Capillary Equation,
(with Philippe Clément, Raúl Manásevich ) Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 124, No. 2, Jan 1996, pp. 343-358.
40. A priori estimates for positive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems via Hardy-Sobolev inequalities,
(with Philippe Clément , and Djairo G. de Figueiredo ), Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics, N. 343 , 73-91 (1996).
41. Nonexistence of positive solutions of quasilinear equations,
(with Gabriella Caristi), Advances in Differential Equations, Vol. 2, N. 3, 319-359, (1997).
42. On a class of semilinear elliptic systems,
(with Philippe Clément ), Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications,
Research Institute for Mathematical Science - Kyoto (1997), pp. 132-140.
43. Homoclinic Orbits for a class of infinite dimensional Hamiltonian systems,
(with Philippe Clément and Patricio Felmer ), Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa , Serie IV. Vol. XXIV. Fasc.2 (1997),pp.367-393.
44. Existence and Non-existence of Positive Singular Solutions for a Class of Semilinear Elliptic Systems,
(with Marta Garcia-Huidobro, Raul Manasevich and Cecilia Yarur),
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 140 (1997) , pp. 253-284 .
45. Global existence of solutions and formation of singularities for a class of hyperbolic systems,
(with Daniele Del Santo e Vladimir Georgiev), Geometrical optics and related topics -
Progress in Partial Differential Equations, Birkauser , Boston-New York,
F. Colombini e N. Lerner Eds., PNLDE 32, Birkhäuser, Boston (1997), pp. 117-140.
46. Strongly indefinite systems with critical Sobolev exponents, (with Joost Hulshof \& Rob C.A.M. van der Vorst).
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 350 (1998), pp. 2349-2365.
47. Liouville Theorems for Elliptic Inequalities and Applications,(with Isabeau Birindelli ),
Proc. of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 128 A, 1217-1247 (1998).
48. Isolated Singularities of Polyharmonic Equations,
(with Gabriella Caristi and Ramon Soranzo), Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell'Universita' di Modena,
Atti in onore del Prof. Calogero Vinti, Suppl. al Vol. XLVI (1998), pp. 257-294.
49. Nonexistence of global solutions for a hyperbolic system: the critical case, (with Daniele Del Santo),
Differential Equations , 34 (1998), 1-7.
50. The absence of Global Positive Solutions to Quasilinear Elliptic Inequalities,
(con Stanislav Ivanovich Pohozaev ) , Doklady Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences,Vol. 57, No. 2 (1998), pp.250-253.
51. Some Existence and Non-existence results for a Homogeneous Quasilinear Problem,
(with Philippe Clément , and Raul Manasevich ), Asymptotic Analysis 17 (1998), pp. 13-29.
52. Existence of the Principal Eigenvalue for Cooperative Elliptic Systems in a General Domain,
(with Isabeau Birindelli and GuidoSweers ), Differential Equations, 35 , no. 3 (1999), 325-333.
53. Non existence of positive solutions for quasilinear elliptic problems on R^n,
(with Stanislav I. Pohozaev ), Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Vol. 227 (1999),186-216.
54. Nonexistence of Positive Solutions for a Systems of Quasilinear Elliptic Equations and Inequalities in R^N,
(with Stanislav Ivanovich Pohozaev ),Doklady Mathematics , Russian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 59, No. 3 (1999), pp. 351-355.
55. A simple approach to Hardy inequalities , Math. Notes 67 (2000),
479-486, translation from Mat. Zametki 67 (2000), 563-572.
56. Existence of Positive Solutions for a Nonvariational Quasilinear Elliptic System,
(with Philippe Clément, Jacqueline Fleckinger, François de Thélin) ,
Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 166, No. 2, ( 2000), 455-477.
57. Regularity results for positive weak solutions of a semilinear elliptic systems,
(with A. Boccuto), Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata (IV), Vol. 179 , 125-147 (2001).
59. Asymptotic Behaviour of Solutions of $\Delta^2 u = |x|^{\sigma} |u|^{p-1} u$,
(with Gabriella Caristi), Quaderni Matematici, Università di Trieste, n.496, (2001).
60. Nonexistence of weak solutions for some degenerate elliptic and parabolic problems on R^n ,
(with Stanislav I. Pohozaev ) , Journal of Evolution Equations, Volume 1, Number 2, 189-220 (2001).
61. Nonexistence of weak solutions for some degenerate and singular hyperbolic problems on R^n,
(with Stanislav I. Pohozaev ) Proceedings of The Steklov Institute of Mathematics ,Vol. 232 (2001), 240-259.
62. Some Generalizations of Bernstein Theorem (with Stanislav Ivanovich Pohozaev ),
Differential Equations , Vol. 38, No. 3, 373-378 (2002).
63. Existence and a-priori Estimates for Positive Solutions of p-Laplace Systems,
(with Celine Azizieh and Philippe Clément ), Journal of Differential Equations 184, 422-442 (2002).
64. Fujita type theorems for quasi-linear parabolic inequalities with nonlinear gradient,
(with Stanislav I. Pohozaev), Doklady Mathematics , Russian Academy of Sciences, 386, N. 2., 160-165 ( 2002).
65. Existence and Nonexistence of Global Solutions of Higher Order Parabolic Equations with Slow Decay Initial Data,
(with Gabriella Caristi ), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 279-2 , 711-723 (2003).
66. On systems of singular quasilinear parabolic equations and inequalities, (with S. Pohozaev),
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 114, No. 4, 1529-1546 (2003).
67. Existence of Multiple Solutions for Quasilinear Systems via Fibering Method,
(with Yuri Bozhkov), Journal of Differential Equations., 190- 1, 239-267 (2003).
68. The positivity property of solutions of some nonlinear elliptic inequalities in R^n
(with Stanislav I. Pohozaev),(preprint September 11 2001).
Doklady Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vol.393, No. 2, pp. 159-164 (2003).
69. Towards a unified approach to nonexistence of solutions for a class of differential inequalities,
(with Stanislav I. Pohozaev ), Milan Journal of Mathematics, 72, 129-162 (2004).
70. On some integral inequalities associated to Riesz potentials,
(with Stanislav Pohozaev), Doklady Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 70, No. 1, 623-627 (2004).
71. Hardy inequalities with optimal constants and reminder terms,
(with Filippo Gazzola and Hans-Christoph Grunau), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 356, n.6. 2149-2168 (2004).
72. Liouville type theorems for certain nonlinear nonlocal problems,
(with Stanislav I. Pohozaev), Doklady Mathematics Russian Academy of Sciences 70, n.3., 954-958 (2004).
73. Liouville Theorems for some Classes of Nonlinear Non-local Problems,
(with Stanislav Pohozaev), Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Volume 248, pp. 164-185 (2005).
74. A Semilinear Fourth Order Elliptic Problem with Exponential Nonlinearity,
(with Gianni Arioli , Filippo Gazzola , Hans-Christoph Grunau)
SIAM J. MATH. ANAL. Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 1226–1258 (2005).
75. Existence of Multiple Solutions for Quasilinear Equations via Fibering Method,
(with Yuri Bozhkov), Contributions to Nonlinear Analysis, Progr. Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl., 66
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, (2006) 115-134.
76. Representation formulae and inequalities for solutions of a class of second order partial differential equations,
(with Lorenzo D'Ambrosio and Stanislav I. Pohozaev), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 358 (2006) 893- 910.
77. Harnack inequality and applications to solutions of biharmonic equations,
(with Gabriella Caristi), Operator Theory :
Advances and Applications, Vol. 168, 1-26 (2006), Birkhauser Verlag, Basel.
78. Positivity preserving property for a class of biharmonic elliptic problems,
(with Elvise Berchio and Filippo Gazzola),
Journal of Differential Equations, 228, 1, 1-23 (2006).
79. A property of the mean of nonnegative functions,
(with Gabriella Caristi and Lorenzo D' Ambrosio),
Quaderno Matematico Universita' di Trieste 1--2, (2006).
80. The Noether approach to Pokhozhaev's Identities,
(with Yuri Bozhkov) Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, n. 4 ,Vol. 4 (2007), 383-405.
81. Lie Symmetries and Criticality of Semilinear Differential Systems,
(with Yuri Bozhkov), Simmetry, Integrability and Geometry:
Methods and Applications, Vol. 3 (2007) -17 pages.
82. Liouville Theorems for some Nonlinear Inequalities,
(with Gabriella Caristi and Lorenzo D' Ambrosio),
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Vol. 260 , 90 -111 (2008).
83. Positivity property of solutions of some quasilinear elliptic inequalities,
(with Lorenzo D' Ambrosio),
Functional Analysis and Evolution Equations, The Günter Lumer Volume, Birkhäuser, (2008), 147-156.
84. Representation formulae for solutions to some classes of higher order systems and related Liouville theorems,
(with Gabriella Caristi and Lorenzo D' Ambrosio), Milan j. math. 76,1, 27-67 (2008)
85. Local estimates and Liouville Theorems for a class of Quasilinear Inequalities,
(with Gabriella Caristi and Stanislav I. Pohozaev), Doklady Mathematica, Mathematics,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 77, n. 1, 85-89 (2008).
86. Conformal Killing Vector Fields and Rellich type identities on Riemannian Manifolds I,
(with Yuri Bozhkov), Lecture Notes of Seminario Interdisciplinare di Matematica
Vol. 7 (2008), pp. 65–80.
87. Capacity induced by a nonlinear operator and applications,
(with Victor A. Galaktionov and Stanislav I. Pohozaev),
Dedicated to the memory of Professor Jacques-Louis Lions
on the occasion of his 80th birthday anniversary, Georgian Mathematical Journal, Volume 15 (2008), Number 3, 1-16.
88. Existence and nonexistence of a global solution to the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation,
(with Victor A. Galaktionov and Stanislav I. Pohozaev), Doklady Mathematis, Mathematics,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 419, n. 4 (2008).
89. Some Liouville Theorems for Quasilinear Elliptic inequalities,
(with G. Caristi and S. I. Pohozaev), Doklady Mathematics,
Russian Academy of Sciences, 79 , 741-747 (2009).
90. Variational approach to complicated similarity solutions of higher order evolution pde's,
(with Victor A. Galaktionov and Stanislav I. Pohozaev)., dedicated to the memory of
Sergei Lvovich Sobolev on the occasion of his centenary,
Sobolev Spaces in Mathematics II, Vol. 9 ,147-197 (2009).
91. On Global solutions and blow-up for Kuramoto-Sivashinsky type models and well-posed Burnett equations,
(with Victor A. Galaktionov and Stanislav I. Pohozaev). Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications,
Volume 70, Issue 8, (2009) 2930-2952.
92. Existence and Nonexistence of Global Solutions of Kuramoto-Sivashinsky-type Models,
(with Victor A. Galaktionov and Stanislav I. Pohozaev). 2009, 1-27.
93. Lifespan Estimates for Solutions of Some Evolution Inequalities, (with Stanislav I. Pohozaev), Differential Equations, vol.45, N.10, 1473-1484 (2009).
94.Variational approach to complicated similarity solutions of higher-order nonlinear PDEs. I,
(with Victor A. Galaktionov and Stanislav I. Pohozaev) arXiv:0902.1425, 1- 41 pages (2009).
95. A priori estimates, positivity results, and nonexistence theorems for quasilinear degenerate elliptic inequalities (with Lorenzo D’ambrosio), Advances in Mathematics, Volume 224, Issue 3, 20, (2010) 967-1020
96. Nonnegative solutions of some quasilinear elliptic inequalities and applications (with Lorenzo D’Ambrosio), SB MATH, 201 (6), (2010) 855–871.
97. Nonlinear capacity methods and applications, (with Lorenzo D’Ambrosio and Stanislav Pohozaev), 1-180 (2011).
98. Variational approach to complicated similarity solutions of higher-order nonlinear PDES II
(with Victor A. Galaktionov and Stanislav I. Pohozaev). Nonlinear Analysis : Real World Applications, 12 (2011) 2435-2466.
99. Conformal Killing Vector Fields and Rellich type identities on Riemannian Manifolds II,
(with Yuri Bozhkov),Mediterr. J. Math. 9 (2012), 1–20.
100. Riesz's representation and Liouville theorems for nonlinear sub-elliptic inequalities,
(with Lorenzo D'Ambrosio) (2011). 1-66.
101. Singular Eigenvalue Problems and critical dimensions (with Stanislav I. Pohozaev), (in preparation 1996)
102. Elliptic problems in a half space, representation of solutions and nonexistence theorems (with Lorenzo D’Ambrosio), (2012)
103. A Priori Estimates and Reduction Principles for Semilinear Elliptic Problems and Applications,
(with Lorenzo D'Ambrosio). 45 pp.
2012, to appear.
104. Lane-Emden systems, Selected Papers of James Serrin, Vol. 1.
Contemporary Mathematicians. pp. 785--787. ISBN 978-3-0348-0685-1 © Springer Basel 2014
(Patrizia Pucci, Vicentiu D. Radulescu, Hans Weinberger (Eds.)).
105. A priori estimates and reduction principles for quasilinear elliptic problems and applications (with Lorenzo D'Ambrosio).
Advances in Differential equations, Volume 17,Numbers 9-10,(2012),935-1000.
106. Classification of global and blow-up
sign-changing solutions of a semilinear heat equation in the subcritical Fujita range,
Advanced Nonlinear Studies 14 (2014) 1-31.
(with Victor A. Galaktionov and Stanislav I. Pohozaev).
107.Global Sign-changing Solutions of a Higher Order Semilinear Heat Equations in the Subcritical Fujita Range,
(with Victor A. Galaktionov and Stanislav I. Pohozaev). Advanced Nonlinear Studies 12 (2012) 569-596.
108. Entire solutions of certain fourth order elliptic problems and related inequalities,(with Lorenzo D’Ambrosio)(2012), 1-36.
109. Uniqueness of σ-regular solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations, (with Lorenzo D’Ambrosio). arXiv:1211.0623 [math.AP],
Submitted on 3 Nov 2012.
110. Lorenzo D’Ambrosio, Alberto Farina, Enzo Mitidieri and James Serrin, Comparison principle, uniqueness and symmetry of entire solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations and inequalities,
Nonlinear Analysis 90 (2013) 135–158.
111. Эта статья посвящена Станиславу Ивановичу Похожаеву с уважением и дружбой
Liouville theorems for elliptic systems and applications,(with Lorenzo D’Ambrosio), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.
Volume 413,1,(2014) 121–138.
112. Entire solutions of quasilinear elliptic systems on Carnot groups, (with Lorenzo D’Ambrosio), Entire solutions of quasilinear elliptic systems on Carnot groups, (with Lorenzo D’Ambrosio), Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 283 (2013), 3-19.
113. An application of Kato's inequality to quasilinear elliptic
problems, (with Lorenzo D'Ambrosio), Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 595, (2013) 205-218.
114. Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev systems and related Liouville theorems, (with L. D’Ambrosio), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S (DCD-S),
Vol. 7. N. 4, (2014) 653-671.
115. Uniqueness of solutions of a class quasilinear subelliptic equations (with L. D’Ambrosio), Geometric Methods in PDE's - Springer INdAM Series - Vol. 13, 177-198 (2015).
116. Enzo Mitidieri and Stanislav I. Pohozaev
A Priori Estimates and Blow-up of Solutions to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Inequalities,
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics ,Volume 234, pp. 1-375 (2001).
117. Victor A. Galaktionov, Enzo Mitidieri and Stanislav I. Pohozaev
Blow-up for Higher-Order Parabolic, Hyperbolic, Dispersion and SchrÖdinger Equations
Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2015. xxvi+543 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4822-5172-2 35-01 (35B44)
D'Ambrosio, Lorenzo(I-BARI); Mitidieri, Enzo(I-TRST-MGE)
Quasilinear elliptic equations with critical potentials. (English summary)
Adv. Nonlinear Anal. 6 (2017), no. 2, 147–164.
35J62 (35B45 35B51 35B53 35J10 35J70 35R03)
D'Ambrosio, Lorenzo(I-BARI); Mitidieri, Enzo(I-TRST-MGE)
Quasilinear elliptic systems in divergence form associated to general nonlinearities.
Adv. Nonlinear Anal. 7 (2018), no. 4, 425–447.
35J47 (35B40 35B45 35J62 35J92)
D'Ambrosio, Lorenzo(I-BARI); Mitidieri, Enzo(I-TRST-MGE)
Uniqueness and comparison principles for semilinear equations and inequalities in Carnot groups.
Adv. Nonlinear Anal. 7 (2018), no. 3, 313–325.
121. D'Ambrosio, Lorenzo(I-BARI); Mitidieri, Enzo(I-TRST-MGE)
Representation formulae of solutions of second order elliptic inequalities.
Nonlinear Anal. 178 (2019), 310–336.
122. D'Ambrosio, Lorenzo; Mitidieri, Enzo On some multicomponent quasilinear elliptic systems. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 490 (2020), no. 1, 124207, 16 pp.
123. MR4379602
D'Ambrosio, Lorenzo; Mitidieri, Enzo;
Entire solutions of certain fourth order elliptic problems and related inequalities.
Adv. Nonlinear Anal. 11 (2022), no. 1, 785–829.
124. D'Ambrosio, Lorenzo; Mitidieri, Enzo;
Characterization of positive superharmonic functions in a half-space (2025) 1-41 pp.
125. D'Ambrosio, Lorenzo; Mitidieri, Enzo; Liouville theorems of semilinear elliptic
inequalities in a half-space (2025) 1-29 pp.
126. Enzo Mitidieri A view on Liouville Theorems in PDE’s *, to appear on Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces, 1-31 (2024).
(*)With sincere affection and warm regards, this paper is dedicated to Ermanno Lanconelli on the occasion of his 80th birthday, acknowledging and celebrating his profound contributions to Mathematical Analysis.
127. Ardens ad sidera (unpublished 2023)
Semigroup Theory and Application
Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics (1989) N. 116,
Philippe. Clément, Sergio Invernizzi, Enzo Mitidieri, Ioan I. Vrabie - eds.
published by M. Dekker.
Semigroup theory and evolution equations: The 2nd International Conference
Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics- (1991), N. 135,
Philippe Clément, Enzo Mitidieri, Ben de Pagter - eds.
published by M. Dekker.
Reaction Diffusion Systems
Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Matematics Series (1997) N.194
Gabriella Caristi and Enzo Mitidieri - eds.
published by M. Dekker.
Dedicated to the memory of Pierre Grisvard, Special Issue of
"Rendiconti dell'Istituto di Matematica dell'Universita' di Trieste", Vol. XXVIII, (1996), 1-506,
Philippe Clément, Sergio Invernizzi, and Enzo Mitidieri eds.
Workshop on Blow-up and Global Existence of Solutions for Parabolic and Hyperbolic Problems.
Trieste, September 27–29, 1999.
Rend. Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste 31 (2000), suppl. 2. Trieste, 2000. iv+278 pp.
D. Del Santo, V. Georgiev and E. Mitidieri - eds.
Liouville Theorems and Detours
Edited by Enzo Mitidieri, Ermanno Lanconelli and Stanislav I. Pohozaev
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications
Copyright © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Variational Analysis and Its Applications
Edited by Enzo Mitidieri and Boris S. Mordukhovich
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications
Volume 75, Issue 3, Pages 983-1736 (February 2012)
Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In Honor of Professor V. Lashmikantham †
Edited by Shair Ahmad, Siegfried Carl and Enzo Mitidieri
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications
Volume 75, Issue 12, Pages 4383-4728 (August 2012)
Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Recent Trends in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations I: Evolution Problems
Edited by: James B. Serrin, Enzo L. Mitidieri, University of Trieste, Italy, and Vincenţiu D. Rădulescu, University of Craiova, Romania
Contemporary Mathematics
2013; approx. 307 pp; softcover
Volume: 594
ISBN-10: 0-8218-8736-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-8736-3
Recent Trends in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations II: Stationary Problems
Edited by: James B. Serrin, Enzo L. Mitidieri, University of Trieste, Italy, and Vincenţiu D. Rădulescu, University of Craiova, Romania
Contemporary Mathematics
2013; approx. 340 pp; softcover
Volume: 595
ISBN-10: 0-8218-9861-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-9861-1
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe,
attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion,
I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gates.
All those moments will be lost in time,
like tears in rain.
Time to die.
Oscar Wilde: "solo le persone superficiali non giudicano dalle apparenze".
Ardens ad sidera
Jorge Luis Borges a Uto Ughi “Vede maestro, io mi sono persuaso che non mi abbiano mai dato un premio Nobel per il semplice fatto che sono convinti di avermelo già dato”». |
Everything is what it is, and not another thing
G. H. Hardy
“I cannot imagine anything more
wonderful than to be who I am.”
Princess Margaret
“In quel pomeriggio di marzo il Pincio era quasi deserto.
Nell’aria grigia e sorda morivano i romori rari.”
Trionfo della morte
Gabriele d’Annunzio
“PETER TOWNSEND: Darling, you got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
PRINCESS MARGARET: If you say that you are mine
I’ll be here ’til the end of time
BOTH: So you got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
Excerpt From
Ninety-Nine Glimpses of Princess Margaret
Craig Brown
“Near midnight on a Saturday in May 1941 a great
wave of planes appeared over London, their silhouettes
against a moonlit sky.”
Young Titan
Michael Shelden
“1 October 1955
‘I would like it to be known that I have decided not to marry Group Captain Peter Townsend. I have been aware that, subject to my renouncing my rights of succession, it might have been possible for me to contract a civil marriage. But mindful of the Church’s teachings that Christian marriage is indissoluble, and conscious of my duty to the Commonwealth, I have resolved to put these considerations before others. I have reached this decision entirely alone, and in doing so I have been strengthened by the unfailing support and devotion of Group Captain Townsend. I am deeply grateful for the concern of all those who have constantly prayed for my happiness.’”
Ninety-Nine Glimpses of Princess Margaret
Craig Brown
“Do you know what that young man did?” an indignant Major Pond asked a friend. “He drank a pint of champagne for breakfast every morning, and I had to pay for it.”11”
Young Titan
Michael Shelden
Intelligenza visiva

Les choses vraiment importantes ne sont pas celles dont on parle.