Short summary of the lectures (a.y. 2020-21) and Video recording
Lecture 1. Definition of rings, ideals, quotient rings,
homomorphisms of rings, theorems
of homomorphism (for rings).
Video 1
Lecture 2. Modules over a (commutative, unitary) ring. Submodules,
quotient modules, module homomorphism, theorems of homomorphism for
modules. Modules generated by a set.
Finitely generated modules. Product of modules,
external direct sum of modules. Universal
property of the direct sum of mosules.
Video 2
Lecture 3. Free modules. Universal property of free modules.
Basis of a free module. Every module is
a quotient of a free module. Exact sequences of modules,
short exact sequences. Partially ordered sets. In partially ordered
set the following three conditions are equivalent:
(1) every strictly increasing chain
of elements is finite; (2) every increasing chain of elements is
stationary; (3) every non-empty subset of the partially ordered
set has a maximal element.
Video 3A; Video 3B.
Lecture 4. Artinian and noetherian modules. A module is
noetherian if and only if all of its submodules are finitely generated.
Given a short exact sequence of modules, the central module is
artinian (noetherian) if and only if the two extreme modules of
the sequence are artinian (noetherian). A finite direct sum of
artinian (noetherian) modules is artinian (noetherian). A quotient
of an artinian (noetherian) module is artinian (noetherian). Artinian
and noetherian rings. If a ring is artinian (noetherian) then a
fintely generated module over the ring is artinian (noetherian).
An example of a ring which is not noetherian.
Video 4A; Video 4B.
Lecture 5. Hilbert basis theorem and consequences. Internal direct
sum of modules. Different elements in a ring: zero divisors, unitary
prime elements, irreducible elements, associated elements.
Integral domains. In an integral
domain prime implies irreducible. Greatest common divisor of two elements
of a domain. Example of a domain in which there does not exist the gcd.
Principal ideal domains (PID). In a PID the gcd always exists.
In a PID irreducible implies prime. Definition of UFD (unique
factorization domains). A domain in which every element is a product
of irreducible elements is a UFD if and only if irreducible is equivalent
to prime.
Video 5A; Video 5B.
Lecture 6.Every PID is a UFD. Cyclic
modules over a ring that is a PID. Order of a cyclic module.
Annihilator of a module.
Some technical lemmas which culminates in the following result:
if we have a finitely generated module M
over a PID and a cyclic submodule C of it, then M
is the direct sum of C and another submodule L of
M (and L is finitely generated).
Video 6A; Video 6B.
Lecture 7. Torsion elements in a module and torsion modules
(over a PID). Order of a torsion element. Definition of a minimal
annihilator of a finitely generated torsion module. Theorem of
decomposition of a finitely generated torsion module into cyclic
modules. Invariant factors of a finitely generated torsion modules.
Theorem regarding unicity of the decomposition.
Video 7A; Video 7B.
Lecture 8. Unicity of the decompositon of a finitely
generated, torsion module over a PID into cyclic submodules.
An example. Correspondence
between couples (V, t) (where V is a K-vector
space and
t is an endomorphism fo V) and modules over K[x].
In the correspondence, finite dimensional vector spaces go to finitely
generated, torsion modules (and conversely). Minimal polynomial of
an endomorphism.
Video 8A; Video 8B.
Lecture 9. In the correspondence between couples
(V, t) (where t is an endomorphism) and K[x]
modules, cyclic sub-vector spaces of V go to cyclic sub-modules
of MV, the minimal polynomial of t goes to
the minimal annihilator of MV. Companion matrix
of a monic polynomial g. If C is cyclic K[x]
module of order g, then it is possible to find a basis in
VC such that the endomorphism tx
is represented by the companion matrix of g.
The decomposition theorem of modules into direct sum of cyclic
modules gives that if t is an endomorphism of a vector space
V, then it is possible to find a basis in V such that
the associated matrix to t is the direct sum of companion
matrices (uniquely determined) associated to monic polynomials
g1, ... , gk (invariant factors).
Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Two square matrices of the same order are
similar if and only if they have the same invariant factors.
Video 9A; Video 9B.
Lecture 10. Primary modules (over a PID). Decomposition of a
finitely generated, torsion module into primary modules. The cyclic
primary decomposition theorem. Elementary divisors. Application to
finite abelian group and to endomorphism. A matrix is similar to a
matrix which is the direct sum of companion matrices of polynomials
of the form pa, pb, ...
qm, qn, ... su,
sv, ... where p, q, s, ... are monic
irreducible polynomials, a is smaller or equal to b
, ..., m is smaller or equal to n ...,
Elementary Jordan form of a matrix. Here you can find a
link to a written version of
the lecture (in Italian).
Video 10A; Video 10B.
Lecture 11. Jordan canonical form of a matrix. Zorn's lemma.
Every (commutative, unitary) ring has a maximal ideal. Free modules
over a ring. Basis of a free module. All the bases of a free module
have the same cardinality (which is called the rank of the free module).
Two free modules are isomorphic if and only if they have the same rank.
If we have an epimorphism from a module M to a free module
F, then M is decomposed into the direct sum of the
kernel of the epimorphism and a free submodule of M isomorphic
to F. A submodule of a finitely generated, free module F
is free of rank smaller or equal to the rank of M.
Video 11A; Video 11B.
Lecture 12. Examples. Here you can find a discussion of
some examples, which are also written in the following files:
Video 12A; Video 12B;
Video 12C.
- Lecture 13. Torsionless finitely generated modules over PID
are free. Split short exact sequences and their characterization.
Decomposition of a finitely generated module over a PID: direct sum
of cyclic modules (of orders
m1, ..., mk
such that mi+1 divides mi)
and a free module of finite rank. Examples.
Video 13A; Video 13B.
- Lecture 14. Finite presentation of a finitely generated
module over a noetherian ring. A fintely generated module is the
cokernel of a homomorphism from a free module or rank n
to a free module of rank m. Therefore to give a finitely
generated module over a noetherian ring is equivalent to give a
m x n matrix A with entries in R. To change the
basis in the free modules with elementary operators means to transform
the matrix A with elementary rows and columns operations.
Application to the case R = Z. In this case the matrix
A can be transformed into the Smith normal form. From this
form, the theorem of decomposition of finitely generated modules
into the sum of cyclic modules and a free module is immediate.
Properties of commutative rings. Local rings.
Video 14A; Video 14B.
- Lecture 15. The nilradical of a ring. The nilradical as
the intersection of all the prime ideals of the ring. The Jacobson radical
of a ring (i.e. the intersection of all the maximal ideals of the ring).
Operation with ideals: sum, product, intersection. Coprime ideals.
The chinese remainder theorem. Properties of prime ideals: if an ideal
is contained in a union of prime ideals, then it is contained in one
of the prime ideals. If a prime ideal contains an intersection of ideals,
then it contains one of the ideals of the intersection. The radical of
an ideal. Radical ideals.
Video 15A; Video 15B.
- Lecture 16. Properties of the radical of an ideal.
Colon operation (for ideals). Nakayama lemma and some consequences.
Multiplicatively closed subset of a ring a construction of the
ring of fraction. Universal property of the ring of fraction.
Video 16A; Video 16B.
- Lecture 17. Other properties of the ring of fractions. Examples.
Localisation of a ring with a prime ideal. A localisation of a ring
is a local ring. Fraction of modules. The functor S-1
is exact. Local properties.
Video 17A; Video 17B.
- Lecture 18. Connections with ideals in a ring R and in
the ring S-1(R). Primary ideals. Radical of a primary
ideal, P-primary ideals. Ideals whose radical is maximal are
primary ideals.
Video 18A; Video 18B.
- Lecture 19. Properties of primary ideals. Definition of
primary decomposition of an ideal. Minimal primary decomposition.
First theorem of uniqueness: the associated primes to a minimal
primary decomposition of an ideal I are uniquely determined
by I (are the prime ideals in the set of Rad(I:x)
where x varies in the ring. Isolated (minimal) primes and
embedded primes of a primary decomposition of an ideal.
The isolated primes of an ideal are precisely the minimal primes
which contain the ideal.
Video 19A; Video 19B.
- Lecture 20.
Primary ideals and multiplicatively closed subsets. Second theorem
of uniqueness of primary decomposition: the primary ideals associated
to the isolated primes of a
minimal primary decomposition of an ideal are uniquely determined by the
ideal. Irreducible ideals. In a noetherian ring, every ideal is a
finite intersection of irreducible ideals. In a noetherian ring, every
irreducible ideal is primary. As a consequence, in a noetherian ring
every ideal admits a (minimal) primary decomposition.
Video 20A; Video 20B.
- Lecture 21. In a noetherian ring, the nilradical is nilpotent.
Chain of modules and composition
series of a module. Length of a module. A module has finite length if
and only if satisfies acc and dcc. In a vector space, length means
dimension. Artinian rings. An artinian domain is a field. In an
artinian domain, every prime ideal is maximal.
Video 21A; Video 21B.
- Lecture 22. Artinian rings. In an Artinian ring the nilradical
is nilpontent. Chain of prime ideals; definition of the Krull dimension of
a ring. A ring has Krull dimension 0 if and only if prime ideal implies
maximal ideal. A ring is artinian if and only if it is noetherian and of
Krull dimension zero. Local artinian ring. Every artinian ring is a
product (in a unique way) of local artinian rings (proof omitted).
Video 22A; Video 22B;
Video 22C.
- Lecture 23. Algebraic elements, algebraic extensions, finite
extensions of fields, Tower Theorem, Abel's Theorem (or the Theorem
of the primitive element). The ring
(and field) of algebraic elements (over Q). Definition of number
fields. Definition of algebraic
integer. Characterization of algebraic integers (in terms of the abelian
group generated by the powers of the element). The set of algebraic integer
is a ring. The ring OK of integers of a number field
Video 23A; Video 23B; Video 23C.
- Lecture 24. Examples of ring of integer of a number field.
The ring of integer in general is not a UFD. Integral extensions.
Integrally closed rings. Fractional ideals. Invertible ideals. Dedekind
domains. Several characterizations of Dedekind domains (proofs omitted).
Examples of Dedekind domains. In particular, the ring of integers of
a number field is a Dedekind domain. A final example.
Video 24A; Video 24B.