University of Trieste - AY 2024/25
Advanced Algebra (Istituzioni di Algebra Superiore)
Course of Study: Mathematics
Alessandro Logar
Here it is possible to find some material concerning the course
in Advanced Algebra. In particular you can find: the program of the
course (of this academic year and of the past years), several links to
books which are good references for the program of the course,
a short summary of each lecture, lectures and video recordings of
the course given in the past years, further material, like some
written lectures and some examples.
All the lectures are recorded and can be found on the ``Teams'' platform.
The video recording expires in one year.
Academic year 2024-25: summary of the lectures.
- Lecture 1. (2024/09/24). Introduction to the course.
Summary of some basic notions. Rings, ideals, prime and maximal ideals,
quotient of rings, ring homomorphisms. Integral domains. Finitely generated
- Lecture 2. (2024/09/25). Modules over a ring. Basic
properties of modules. Submodules, homomorphisms of modules. Product and
external direct sum of modules. Fintely generated modules. Free modules.
- Lecture 3. (2024/09/30). More on free modules. Basis for
free modules. Internal direct sum of modules. Quotient modules. Examples.
- Lecture 4. (2024/10/01). Exact sequences. Short exact sequences.
Artinian and noetherian modules. A module is noetherian iff every
submodule of it is finitely generated. Short exact sequences and artinian
and noetherian modules. Direct sum of noetherian (artinian) modules is
noetherian (artinian).
- Lecture 5. (2024/10/8). Example of a non-noetherian ring/module.
Hilbert basis theorem and consequences. Greatest common divisor in a domain.
Example of a domain where we do not have gcd. First notions on PID. In a PID
we have the gcd. Unique factorization domains.
- Lecture 6. (2024/10/9). A characterization of UFD. A PID is a
UFD. The polynomial ring over a UFD is a UFD (without proof). Modules over
PID. Cyclic modules. Order of a cyclic module. Torsion elements in a module.
Minimal annihilator of a module. Two lemmas on modules over a PID.
- Lecture 7. (2024/10/15). If a module has a cyclic submodule then,
with suitable hypotheses, the module is a direct sum of the cyclic module
and another submodule of it. Notion of torsion elements, torsion module,
minimal annihilator of a module. A torsion module of order m
contains an element of order m.
- Lecture 8. (2024/10/16). A finitely generated torsion module
is the direct sum of a finite number of cyclic modules of orders such
that each order divides the order of the previous one. The decomposition
is unique. An application: classification of finite abelian groups.
- Lecture 9. (2024/10/22). About the 1-1 correspondence
between modules over
a polynomial ring (with coefficient in a field) and vector spaces plus
an endomorphism. Companion matrix of a monic polynomial. Invariant factors.
- Lecture 10. (2024/10/23). Proof of the theorem regarding the
decomposition of the associated matrix of an endomorphism.
Some consequences. The Cayley Hamilton theorem. Invariant factors of a
square matrix. Two square matrices of the same order are similar if and
only if they have the same invariant factors. Examples.
- Lecture 11. (2024/10/29). Primary modules and p primary
modules. Decomposition of a f.g. torsion module into direct sum of
primary modules. Decomposition of a f.g. torsion module into cyclic
modules of prime order. Elementary divisors of a module. The case
of a vector space and an endomorphism. First steps to get the canonical
Jordan form of a square matrix.
- Lecture 12. (2024/10/30). The canonical Jordan form of a matrix.
An application of the Zorn's lemma in order to get that all commutative,
unitary rings have a maximal ideal. Free modules over a ring. A basis
of a free module. Different basis of a free module have the same
cardinality. The rank of a free module.
- Lecture 13. (2024/11/5). Two free modules are are isomorphic
if and only if they have bases of the same cardinality. From an
epimorphism from a module M onto a free module F, we get a
decomposition of M as the direct sum of the kernel of the
epimorphism and a free module (isomorphic to F). A submodule of
a free module F of finite rank over a PID is free of rank smaller or
equal to the rank of F. Finitely
generated, torsionless modules over a PID are free. The sub-module of
torsion elements of a module.
- Lecture 14. (2024/11/6). Every finitely generated module over a
PID, can be decomposed essentially in a unique way
into a direct sum of cyclic modules (of orders
in a chain of divisions) and a free module of finite rank.
Ideals in a ring. Operations with ideals. Every proper ideal is contained
into a maximal ideal. Coprime ideals. The nilradical (i.e. the set of
all the nilpotent elements of a ring). The nilradical is the intersection
of all the prime ideals of the ring. Product of rings.
- Lecture 15. (2024/11/12). The Chinese Remainder Theorem
(for rings). Properties of prime ideals in a ring. The colon ideal.
The radical of an ideal and some of its properties. The radical of
an ideal is the intersection of all the primes which contain the
ideal. Set of zero divisors of a ring. Examples.
- Lecture 16. (2024/11/13). The Nakajama lemma and some
consequences. Multiplicatively closed subsets of a ring.
Construction of the ring of fractions.
- Lecture 17. (2024/11/19). Further properties of multiplicative
sets. Localisations. Local properties of modules.
- Lecture 18. (2024/11/20). Ideals in S-1R.
Extensions and contractions of ideals in S-1R. Prime
ideals in localisations of rings.
Primary ideals. Some properties. Intersections of P-primary ideals
is P-primary.
- Lecture 19. (2024/11/26). Colon operation on primary ideals.
Definition of a primary decomposition of an ideal. Definition of a minimal
primary decomposition. First unicity theorem of a minimal primary
decomposition of an ideal. Primary decomposition and multiplicatively
closed sets.
- Lecture 20. (2024/11/27). Minimal (or isolated) primes and
embedded primes of a primary decomposition of an ideal. The minimal primes
of a primary decomposition of an ideal I are precisely the
minimal primes w.r.t. the inclusion that contain I. In particular,
if an ideal has a primary decomposition, then there are only finitely
many minimal primes that contain it. Example of a ring where there are
ideals wich do not admit a primary decomposition. Second theorem of
unicity of primary decomposition. In the noetherian rings all ideals
have a primary decomposition.
- Lecture 21. (2024/12/3). Some examples of primary decomposiitons
of ideals.
Composition series of a module. The length of a composition series of
a module is an invariant of the module.
- Lecture 22. (2024/12/4). Modules of finite length. A module
has finite length iff it is artinian and noetherian. In a vector space
the length is the dimension and finite length, finite dimension, acc, dcc
are equivalent. If in a ring the zero ideal is a product of maximal
ideals, the ring is artinian iff is noetherian. In an artinian ring,
prime ideals are maximal. An artinian ring has finitely many maximal
ideals. In an artinian ring the nilradical is nilpotent.
- Lecture 23. (2024/12/10). The Krull dimension of a ring.
A ring is artinian if and only if is noetherian of Krull dimension zero.
An artinian ring is a finite product (in a unique way) of artinian
local rings.
A short introduction to number fields and the ring of integers of a
number field.
Dedekind domains (a domain which is noetherian, integrally closed
of Krull dimension one). The ring of integers of a number field
is a Dedekind domain.
Academic year 2020-21: summary of the lectures and video recording:
See here
Academic year 2021-22: summary of the lectures and video recording:
See here
Academic year 2022-23: summary of the lectures and video recording (if not expired):
See here
Academic year 2023-24: summary of the lectures:
See here
Useful material
Course summary
Useful links
Some lectures (some in Italian, some in English)
Examples (some in Italian, some in English)