Prof. ssa Michela Brundu

Sede: Via Valerio 12/b, 34127 Trieste Italy
Stanza: 222
Tel: +39 040 5582653
Fax: +39 040 5582636
Attuali interessi di ricerca
Geometria algebrica
Geometria algebrica computazionale
Geometria convessa
- Coni e multiconi invarianti per famiglie di matrici.
Research topics
Algebraic Geometry
- Weierstrass points on curves of given gonality.
- Weierstrass Gap sequences of points on trigonal and four-gonal curves.
- Four-gonal curves: study of the geometry of their canonical models lying on a ruled surface; description of their invariants.
- Moduli space of the four-gonal curves.
- Slope inequalities for extremal curves.
Computational Algebraic Geometry
- Configurations of the lines on a cubic surface, either smooth or singular.
- Moduli space of the cubic surfaces: a stratification given by the configurations of lines.
- Group of the automorphisms of a smooth cubic surface.
Convex Geometry
- Invariant cones and multicones for families of matrices.