Spirals and Fractals


versione in italiano (non aggiornata)

Here you can find two Java programs which allow to simulate the aspect of several plants. With the first software (Spirals) you can try to reconstruct the distribution of the disk flowers of, for instance, a daisy or a sunflower and many other plants.

With the second software (Fractals) you can draw fractals and therefore you can simulate the shape of ferns, cauliflowers, many plants from the Apiaceae family etc. This software is linked to a booklet (written in italian) (Margherite e spirali, cavolfiori e frattali, Carlo Genzo and Alessandro Logar, Comune di Trieste, Civico Orto Botanico (2014), also available in a on-line verson).

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Examples obtained with the software

Golden Marguerite

Software construction


Software construction


Software construction


Software construction

Software construction

Aleppo pine cone

Software construction