• Organizing and Scientific Commettee
  • Bellen Alfredo
    University of Trieste and INdAM, Rome
  • Ruggeri Tommaso
    University of Bologna and INdAM, Rome
  • Strickland Elisabetta
    University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and INdAM, Rome
  • Zhang Pingwen
    Peking University
  • Zhongci Shi
    Chinese Academy of Sciences
Monday, 9th November
8.50-9.15Opening: Vincenzo Ancona, President of INdAM
 Sun Chengyong, Science Counsellor of Chinese Embassy in Rome
 Federico Failla, Ministro Plenipotenziario dei Consiglieri d'Ambasciata
9.15-10.00Zhong-ci Shi: Cascadic Multigrid Methods
10.00-10.45A. Quarteroni: Geometric multiscale models for cardiovascular flows
 Coffee Break
11.15-12.00Yanni Xiao: Modeling disease spread on dispersal networks with two levels
12.00-12.45M. Iannelli: A mathematical framework for epidermis growth
13.00Light Lunch
15.00-15.45Haiyan Liu: Improve the modeling of local structures in protein simulation and sequence design
15.45-16.30A. Policriti: Hybrid and Stochastic models for Systems Biology
 Coffee Break
17.00-17.45Ruo Li: An adaptive multi-mesh approximation for level set method
17.45-18.30V. Capasso: Multiscale problems in Tumor-driven Angiogenesis;
Tuesday, 10th November
9.15-10.00P. Colli Franzone: Mathematical modeling and numerics in computational elettrocardiology
10.00-10.45Jishou Ruan: Where and when the information is missed from mRNAs translate to proteins and how to get back this lost information
 Coffee Break
11.15-12.00N. Bellomo: On the Modeling Vehicular Traffic, Crowds, and Swarms – Complexity and Multiscale Issues
12.00-12.45Yana Di: Adaptive methods with application to moving interface problems
13.00Light Lunch
15.00-15.45L. Preziosi: Mechanical Aspects in Tumor growth
15.45-16.30Zhanchun Tu: Variational problems in the elastic theory of bio-membranes
 Coffee Break
17.00-17.45M. Bertero: Efficient gradient projection methods in biomedical imaging
17.45-18.30Pingbing Ming: Critical Issues on Multiscale Modeling of Crystalline Solids
20.30Conference Dinner
Wednesday, 11th November
9.00- 9.45G. Naldi: Axon growth in neural development: from microscopic dynamics to macroscopic movement
9.45-10.30Eric Chung: Some numerical methods for tomography problems using boundary measurements
 Coffee Break
11.00-11.45Pingwen Zhang: Dynamical Modeling and Simulation of Fluid Bio-Membranes
11.45-12.30S. Maset: Mathematical modeling of like-charge attraction.
13.00Light Lunch
15.00-15.45M. Piana:Bayesian tracking of neural sources using Magnetoencephalography and Magnetic Resonance data
15.45-16.15M. Delitala: Modeling opinion formation
 Coffee Break
16.45-17.15L. Pellis: Stochastic models for emerging infections in socially structured populations: the new influenza pandemic
17.15-17.45A. Tosin: Macroscopic and microscopic self-organization in intelligent systems
Thursday, 12th November
9.00Excursion (see Social Programme)