- Organizing and Scientific Commettee
Bellen AlfredoUniversity of Trieste and INdAM, Rome
Ruggeri TommasoUniversity of Bologna and INdAM, Rome
Strickland ElisabettaUniversity of Rome “Tor Vergata” and INdAM, Rome
Zhang PingwenPeking University
Zhongci ShiChinese Academy of Sciences
Monday, 9th November
8.50-9.15 | Opening: Vincenzo Ancona, President of INdAM |
Sun Chengyong, Science Counsellor of Chinese Embassy in Rome | |
Federico Failla, Ministro Plenipotenziario dei Consiglieri d'Ambasciata | |
9.15-10.00 | Zhong-ci Shi: Cascadic Multigrid Methods |
10.00-10.45 | A. Quarteroni: Geometric multiscale models for cardiovascular flows |
Coffee Break | |
11.15-12.00 | Yanni Xiao: Modeling disease spread on dispersal networks with two levels |
12.00-12.45 | M. Iannelli: A mathematical framework for epidermis growth |
13.00 | Light Lunch |
15.00-15.45 | Haiyan Liu: Improve the modeling of local structures in protein simulation and sequence design |
15.45-16.30 | A. Policriti: Hybrid and Stochastic models for Systems Biology |
Coffee Break | |
17.00-17.45 | Ruo Li: An adaptive multi-mesh approximation for level set method |
17.45-18.30 | V. Capasso: Multiscale problems in Tumor-driven Angiogenesis; |
20.30 | Dinner |
Tuesday, 10th November
9.15-10.00 | P. Colli Franzone: Mathematical modeling and numerics in computational elettrocardiology |
10.00-10.45 | Jishou Ruan: Where and when the information is missed from mRNAs translate to proteins and how to get back this lost information |
Coffee Break | |
11.15-12.00 | N. Bellomo: On the Modeling Vehicular Traffic, Crowds, and Swarms – Complexity and Multiscale Issues |
12.00-12.45 | Yana Di: Adaptive methods with application to moving interface problems |
13.00 | Light Lunch |
15.00-15.45 | L. Preziosi: Mechanical Aspects in Tumor growth |
15.45-16.30 | Zhanchun Tu: Variational problems in the elastic theory of bio-membranes |
Coffee Break | |
17.00-17.45 | M. Bertero: Efficient gradient projection methods in biomedical imaging |
17.45-18.30 | Pingbing Ming: Critical Issues on Multiscale Modeling of Crystalline Solids |
20.30 | Conference Dinner |
Wednesday, 11th November
9.00- 9.45 | G. Naldi: Axon growth in neural development: from microscopic dynamics to macroscopic movement |
9.45-10.30 | Eric Chung: Some numerical methods for tomography problems using boundary measurements |
Coffee Break | |
11.00-11.45 | Pingwen Zhang: Dynamical Modeling and Simulation of Fluid Bio-Membranes |
11.45-12.30 | S. Maset: Mathematical modeling of like-charge attraction. |
13.00 | Light Lunch |
15.00-15.45 | M. Piana:Bayesian tracking of neural sources using Magnetoencephalography and Magnetic Resonance data |
15.45-16.15 | M. Delitala: Modeling opinion formation |
Coffee Break | |
16.45-17.15 | L. Pellis: Stochastic models for emerging infections in socially structured populations: the new influenza pandemic |
17.15-17.45 | A. Tosin: Macroscopic and microscopic self-organization in intelligent systems |
18.00 | Closure |
Thursday, 12th November
9.00 | Excursion (see Social Programme) |